Mar. 11, 2015

Orphan Train Riders . . .

Did you watch the "West by Orphan Train" documentary on March 8th?  I found it very interesting to learn that possibly 50 to 100 of the original orphan train riders are still alive nationally.  This is of around a quarter million who were placed from the trains.  Pam Paulson, was the Bernadette Schaefer who was placed in Nebraska with the Micks (sp) your family?  There is a Society called "Orphan Train Heritage Society of America."  I was going to do a search for it but haven't accomplished that yet.  Books mentioned were "West by Orphan Train" and "Emily's Story."  Krantz and Kidder were authors mentioned.  Other comments from viewers are welcome.

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13.10 | 18:24

Colleen, I have posted an ad in reference to the Orphan Train that stopped in Oakland in 1904. It is under the tab "Blog/News." Let me know if that is what you were wanting to look for. Barb

13.10 | 17:29

Would there be an opportunity for me to visit the genie room to search for information about an orphan train stop in Oakland? Thank you!

10.04 | 19:02

John, I will send an email to you. Barb

09.04 | 18:34

I've misplaced Barbara Butcher's e-mail address and have something interesting to send her. I'm a member. John Altenburger