Mar. 6, 2015

"West By Orphan Train" Coming March 8th, 2015 . . .

Just want to alert you to the documentary "West By Orphan Train" coming up on PBS TV this Sunday, March 8th, 2015 beginning at 1:05 p.m.  The program description is as follows:  "Nearly a quarter of a million children from East Coast orphanages were loaded on trains and sent west "for the picking" from 1854 to 1929. This documentary explores the experiences of several orphan train riders, including one girl who was brought to Iowa in 1906."  For more information go to the PBS website at .  Enjoy!

Latest comments

13.10 | 18:24

Colleen, I have posted an ad in reference to the Orphan Train that stopped in Oakland in 1904. It is under the tab "Blog/News." Let me know if that is what you were wanting to look for. Barb

13.10 | 17:29

Would there be an opportunity for me to visit the genie room to search for information about an orphan train stop in Oakland? Thank you!

10.04 | 19:02

John, I will send an email to you. Barb

09.04 | 18:34

I've misplaced Barbara Butcher's e-mail address and have something interesting to send her. I'm a member. John Altenburger